Friday, October 11, 2013

Not your average cup of tea

This was the tea that was given to me at a Kurdish restaurant.
At the end of a Kurdish meal, you will be offered tea. It is served in a small glass, like the one above. This tea has a herbal taste, which is good, but it's not that uncommon for a lot of sugar to be added to it when you are given the cup. In fact, it has quite a bit of sugar at the bottom that just sits there. Most foreigners do not stir it in because it tastes really sweet (it reminds some people of syrup). When I had my first cup of Kurdish tea, I did not stir in the sugar, and I enjoyed it just fine.

I felt artsy one Saturday morning and liked the background,
so I randomly decided to take photos of my tea cup. Other than that, there's really
nothing special happening here. This is a regular tea cup I drink tea in.

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