Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Ordered my first meal by myself today!

I still do not speak Kurdish very well. I have "Hello" and "Thank You" memorized really well, but everything else, I have to refer back to my cheat sheet.

I ordered biryani for lunch today ... Yep, I ordered it by myself. It was me and the cashier (and David, who was standing to the side because he wanted to see me do this). Yep, I did so well that I even purchased a coke without knowing it. Awesome.

David ended up enjoying the coke with his meal, and I enjoyed my water with Biryani. Biryani is a rice bowl with nuts, chicken, dates (or maybe they were raisins) and spices. The rice looks curried and the raisins (or dates) bring a subtle and sweet surprise to every bite. It was good. Different. But Good.

Sorry I didn't have my camera with me to show you what it looked like, but you'll just have to settle with this picture of a coke I took earlier in the week. The point of this post was to tell you, "I can finally buy a meal by myself!" Be excited with me :-) It's a bit of a big deal since I'm limited in what I can do by myself here. Celebrate!

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